Introduction ---->
My younger cousin. Timolthy
My Uncle
Last saturday i went to Kluang with my cousin, Charles to meet my aunt. Tired journey as the bus is quite teruk and the aircon seems spoil edi...Luckly my aunt treat us with a nice meal once we reach there and make my mood better.haha!!Got otak-otak, fish, soup, vege etc, jus the 3 of us finish it.wakaka!! I dono wat name is tat restaurant, i jus no tat it is sumwhere in Kluang.hehe!! Actually we went to a Indian engagement party tat nite, but i din take my camera down so din take any picture of the party. Its kind of weird to be in a crowd of totally black Indian. But their cultural is quite special and interesting. And i eat a very special sweet which taste "Indian". I took a picture using my cousin's hp, but din get from him yet. Will post it in later post gua~The sweets look like small white stones with uneven shape. Sweet at first but my mouth got a very very Indian taste until we reach KL tat nite. ;-P haha~~
I stay at Balakong's apartment for 2 nites with Charles and my aunt. Wake up at 4am on Monday to prepare. Coz my mom warn me to do things faster while i go for trip with my relatives, in case i take shower too long and they forget to wait for me.haha!! Had my coffee and took a shower...cold!!
8.40am flight...going to Chiang Mai!!!
To be continue.............
hem...alot of nice pic...cant wait for the part two le...i will always visit de...u oso go to my blog c c la^^