Saturday, November 28, 2009

Bachelor Degree, PASS!!

Yeahz!!!!!! Jus got my result tis morning...although the result not as good as the previous semester, but still pass my bachelor degree!!!

The sad thing is tat, my GPA drop form 6 to 5.5....Tragedy!! However, the happy thing is tat, I really manage to 'Hiam Hiam' pass all my subject...God bless~Im really content with the result as my final semester subjects r really really too difficult...At least i pass it...right?? Actually, i did not pass 1 of my subject for the final...luckly im not in INTI anymore, if not it will consider fail....haha!! These r my result:

Consumer Behaviour: (5) 70%

Strategic Marketing: (6) 75%

International Econommics: (5) 71%

Comtemp Application of Economics Theory: (4) 51%

Can u imagine??!! i got 51% over 100%!!! I only need 19/50 in final to pass tis subject...and i got 20/50!!! Wat the~~Dangerous border leh!! Think also scare...I still love my previous semester's results...No matter how, I COMPLETED my Bachelor!!!!!

Put aside those job hunting or master hunting problems....Now im only thinking about my convocation...hehe!! So excited!! and my parents and sisters r coming in 11 days time... Do u noe how to spell happy?? H.A.P.P.Y!! haha....
Now, lets see the colour of my hood...Its blue!! although the blue not really nice, But i still can Graduate!!!hahaha...It will cost AUD60 to hire the whole set of gown...Got enough money to study, and still hav to got enough money to

And tis...i wish to buy 1 of tis...i think its for the the parchment...But new a '09' on it an with different colours for different faculty...hehe!!cute right??

Lastly, Tis is the Faculty of Business graduate Bear from Miss Huey Ling...The moment i saw it, the first thing in my mind was "So expensive!!!"...haha!!And she actually bought 3!! 1 for me, 1 for Ment and 1 for Computer...U can c the blue hood the bear wearing..its the same as my gown...look a bit like Harry Potter..haha!!

Tats all for today...gonna go for lunch now...wohoo~~

Thursday, November 12, 2009






之前考试期待快点考完。。。现在期待我家人快点来参加我的毕业典礼。。。可能等他们回去,我又会期待快点回马来西亚。。。这两天考完试,我又突然想起我爱吃的东西。。。之前两个月,好像忙得忘了那些好吃的。。。现在头脑一松,他们又在我的脑子里转。。。痛苦!!真的好想回去吃。。。我想,那时和Sakai太得空写下的食物list,我应该再list出来,准备回去吃完!!!比如说,Laksa, 牛肉面,哦阿面线,果条仔,白色云吞面,虾面,面粉馃,炒果条,roti telur,teh tarik, milo ice, A Po 肉骨茶,慧玲家面线, 等等等等。。。。

啊啊!!!!想到就好想一口气吃完这些东西。。。可是没办法,还有两个月才可以吃到。。。快疯了。。。整整九个月没吃到像样的东西。。。我看这两个月,还是要靠Nudo's的虾面还有Laksa Hut的laksa过活。。。Nudo's的虾面是最可以接受的。。Laksa hut,如果开在JB, 两天就倒咯~态度又不是很好。。。咳~~好饿哦!!!


Sunday, October 25, 2009



到底什么事??德坚,伟祥,和William常说,“你真好,你整个人就是没烦恼的样子。” 我就会说“最好是~我也是会有烦恼的啦!!” “你这个大小姐会有什么烦恼??还不是烦功课和男朋友而已。。。”


本人没有什么长处,唯一可以接受的是比别人好一丁点的成绩而已。。。说到这里,想必每个人都知道,‘到底什么事’了。。。对~本人续两年前在Inti,成绩拿到两个'C' 过后,再次拿到特别低的成绩。。‘阿塞们’竟然会出乎我的意料之外的低!!当然,对于这种没有办法解决的‘定局’,本人当然还是同样的以眼泪‘解决’。。。我现在大概可以感觉到一点彬彬的‘不管去哪里,想要订机票,马上离开这里’的感受。。还好我有阿门还有大家。。。所以不至于那么严重。可是,也因为这个阿塞门,打击了我高分毕业的信心。这科原本是用来‘救’其他两科的,结果现在他变成了绊脚石。。。该怎么办好??

虽然我知道是小事,可是就在几天前,对我没什么要求(除了叫我不要一直睡觉)的老爸,突然在MSN里,说要我保持GPA6毕业,因为他说那代表second upper class degree。。。本来我想说,OK啊~~可是,现在变成了天杀的问题!!而且,老爸平常都没对我要求什么,他第一次的要求,我竟然在几天后就让他失望了。。。所以说,这件事很大条!!但是也不是没有解决办法啦~~刚才说了,这科是用来救其他两科的。。现在发生了这么大的问题,那两科只可以自己救自己了(本身就是个大问题)。。。也就是说,那两科都必须拿到6以上。。。为什么是6 ‘以上’而不是6 ‘而已’呢??因为那科炸弹没有办法拿到6了,这两科必须反救它。。如果这科炸弹要拿6,Final必须拿到92分以上才有可能。。。所以说呢?不可能嘛!!!剩下的最后一科,还得看它阿塞门出来后,看看可不可以救一救。。。好难啊!!!


没办法的办法,现在只好多祈祷。。。可以hiam hiam拿到6毕业了。。。你们说,伤心不伤心??

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The story of, Ang Moh Jia Gao Tai

Sorry to every1 who waits for my posting...Im really really busy these days~finish assignments then here comes midterm test...after the test tis week, i hav to continue other year, final semester, wont be such easy...right??jus to confort myself...

Now i really feel to post sumting here...jus to announce to every1 here:

WE KENA COMPLAIN AGAIN!!!!! wat the heck?!
Yes, tat is it...we kena a warning letter from the real estate agent for my new apartment (different agent from the previous apartment)...saying tat we party make noise and we throw cigarrette butts from the balcony....yes, we will make noise, IF WE DID PARTY!! and yes, maybe we will throw cigarrette butts, IF WE DID SMOKE!!
BUT BUT BUT~~ all of us are busy uni students u noe!! everybody here having final year and final semester u noe! except huey ling lar (but she having final year too)...WE HAV NO TIME TO REST, WATS MORE FOR PARTY?!! U tot we so love to stay in ur country meh?? pls don kaciao us so tat we can finish uni on time an LEAVE UR COUNTRY since u so racist!! bloody old man!!
AND AND AND~~We r smart little kids WHO DON EVEN SMOKE!!! How can we throw cigarrette butts down from the balcony WHEN WE DON EVEN SMOKE!!! yes, it is, WE DON EVEN SMOKE my dear old man....
PLS don simply assume things...even though economist like to assume, but they assume things WITH PROOF!!U noe wat is P.R.O.O.F, proof??
Im too busy to tell the whole story, if not my wish to be economist will smash up bcoz of these INPROFESSIONAL + old folks whom i called them ASSUMENIST!!!
tis is my 1st posting on tis 1st warning tat we i have to revise for my international economics test...the story will be continue~~WHEN?
I learnt tis "I DONT NOE" thing from my international economics lecturer~~wish me luck..really really good luck for my test on wednesday...seeya soon!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Reward For Myself

Today we went to city i bought sumting for myself as a reward for my unexpected good result...haha!! I actually got grade 7 for my intermediate macroeconomics, grade 6 for both intermediate microeconomics and e-marketing, and grade 5 for services marketing...i really overwhelming when i got the result...coz all i aiming is for four grade 5 only...

Tis is wat i bought for myself... Limited edition 'Daisy' perfume by Marc Jacobs...Cost me 90AUD...

The Packing included a bag like u see in the picture, of coz the perfume and an extra limited edition small bottle of the perfume and also Daisy hair pins...

The perfume box...

The limited edition...with stickers where u can customise ur own perfume bottle...CUTE~

Daisy...Without stickers....Cute bottle right?

The Hair Pins' packaging...

3 limited addition Daisy hair pins and a small bottle of it...

The cute stickers...Flowers, grass, butterflies, Dragonflies, Rat, Spiders, Lizards...etc

Love these flowers...

Like the lady bugs and Dragonflies...

Tis is wat the bottles bcum..after i stick all those cute stickers on by my "No Creativity"'s hands...

Friday, June 26, 2009


Life is about going on and experience it with all u can...

Jus now suddenly feel like reading back my old blog in friendster...jus choose few to read..all my past was really like a dream...

As my close frens will noe, i was in a dark period in 2006...even until the start of 2007 when i jus went to inti...dark in term of mood, living in my own world...everything lost, when i read back those post, jus feel like it was a dream...maybe bcoz im really happy and content of my life now, tats y those post does not bring back the same feeling again...should be glad about it~hehe!! btw, most of the post were edited and deleted by, i don really rmb wat happened and wat did i wrote in those post...i think i really forget most of it...dono whether it is a good thing to forget or not~~good to forget coz it was really sad story...bad to forget coz i actually don rmb wat i'd been through at tat stage of my life..

Thanks to Ment Ment...after i went to inti, my life light up once again bcoz of him...its really weird fate right??the feeling was special when i get back to him and sweet...different from before..kaka!!Fate ah fate~~its really FATE...Y i will failed my math in foundation??bcoz of tat, i lost control of my dream to study biomed fly away~thinking to retake foundation or change program or continue degree in business...i hate myself at tat time...coz i always think, only those who cant study will take business...but now, im glad tat i failed math...haha!!coz if i din fail it, i will be in Monash U and hav a totally different life there...Bcoz i failed it, it lead me to consider study for business, to inti, and to Ment...If i don fail it, i will never noe, acually i like economics...really really really~~~

Besides, those things tat happen in inti too~~like a dream...From signing up for 24 solar drum and adventure club, but not active at accidently join into social life in inti was really colourful and fun...Onite, street party and installation nite...sometimes go for movie in glad tat my life was so much meaningful compare to a lot of frens who r same age with me...

Now, i hav to enjoy my life in aussie and make it a colourful 1 too!!although sumtimes i will sad and angry with the problems i met...but i believe, after 1 or 2 years or even 10 years, when i read back my own blog, although i cant feel the same feeling as tat moment, it will still remind me tat my life is meaningful and colourful...

Never waste ur life is short...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Combination Fried Blog

9am view for tis blur...cold~~haha!!

Hi every1~~finally im free and able to update my blog...kaka!!

Actually i'd finish my final exam last friday...but bcoz my house internet quota dried up, so i cant update my blog...wanna play facebook also no patient to wait for it to slow~~Now, im going to combine all my stories and cook a combination fried blog....haha!!Will be messy...

Yesterday we went to habour town after mr choo finish his last paper..habour town is at gold coast there...took us 2 hours to reach there by bus and train...we went to pick mr choo up first at Grffith uni...1 word to describe his uni =>"Ulu"..haha!!but we din take any picture there...its weird to take picture at school when so many ppl walking here an there...I actually bought a singlet and a necklace from habour town...

Nice fountain at habour town...

Me and Ment...

Me and Jael...with our shopping bags~kaka!! ps: the lacoste is for her brother...not ours~

Monday nite we went to yam kopi..first time ever go out for drink at nearly 9pm in brisbane..haha!!we went to coffee club...but it close at 9.30pm~sien lor!so we jus chat a while...the cake quite i hav to say,the waitress there really nice...not only pretty but sweet and polite...good staff training!!Not like Hanai***, suckz~~the waiter like ah beng..Yesterday nite, first time we went there, to meet YL they all...not only the staff r rude, the lady boss also really really i can c on her face "surface acting"...not sincere at all~~i don understand how they able to get wat 'casual award' for their restaurant...make my mood bad lagi~teruk restaurant ni...i will never go there again...

tis is the cake we ate at coffee club...really big piece~ and nice..

Ment's herbal robus tea..dono wat with mint flavor...weird!

Jael's Mocha...

and mine...expresso machiato...

i forgot which day is tis...i think it was last tuesday morning...we saw 2 hot air ballon flying in the sky opposite our unit nice..with the morning sunshine~~

Now, introduce to u the study methods...haha!!

First of all, u need a cup of coffee...and a bottle of cornflakes on ur table....

Korean dried rice also can....jus need sumting to bite~~kaka!!

If not u will like him...easily get bored an tired~~in addition, never ever buy an iphone in study week...look at him an u will noe y...hahaha!!

However, don too stress and serious him~~not good for health...wakaka!!

Sumtimes, u can go to uni's coffee shopstudy, and hav a vannila shake...relax~~

But for me, coffee is the best~~

If u lazy to go out...u can also confortably sit on ur bed and study..jus make sure u don fall asleep~

Or like until sien??play with ur handphone lor~~kaka!!

But all these methods does not guarantee for good result... ;-P but no harm trying~~

Now wat??haha!i actually bought sum Guess wallet coz got sales...jus take it as i buy a 21 birthday present for myself...besides, i also bought 1 for Vean coz i still owe her birthday for myself, my best fren, of coz also hav to buy 1 for my mom!!

Tats mine...but actually i love my chanel wallet more... ;-P

Tis is for da jie's style...hope she will like it~~

And tis 1 is for my mommy...its her style...really look nice, but then the flash light make it so weird~~

We also ate a very very nice ice cream in city...3 flavor for 3 of us...hehe!!mine is passion fruit, almond for Ment, and chocolate for Jael..

I forgot which day is tis again...tis man performing at Queen st first he peform in front of my uni...but dono y change place...his perfomance did not attract ppl..maybe bcoz he did not play any music an ppl wont realise he is there...poor guy~

Tis picture taken by Jael...jus come out from she suddenly say we hav to take picture...haha!!

And then, the nite of my birthday, we went for korean restaurant for dinner, and then chit chat in city...dono how, we start taking picture... u can find more of these picture in my facebook~~

dono y~~tis picture look like M2 and F2...wakaka!!

L.O.V.E...4 silly girl...haha!

Continue 21 year old birthday presents...

Tis is from Vean...she gav it to me before i come to im a good girl, only open it on my birthday...nice an cute right??hahah!!

an she wrote tis in the birthday card...nearly make me cry...

and tis 1...a file from girl's house...with nice right??Yivon really good at drawing...i like it so much~~

tis is the birthday card tat my da jie sent to me...nice right??haha~~
The msg inside...funny lol~~

Tis is a mug from Xiao Qian...finally there is sum1 who noe tat i like blue...

Maybe i'd left out sumting to tell all of u..coz it really too long...but then i ald try my best to rmb...Last but not least~here is the picture of the worm tat i promise to post it up...don continue if u dowan to~~hehe!!

The maggot...aka little worm...i dono y it look glow-in-the-dark in tis picture..haha!!

more of them...they walk very fast de neh~~i swept 3 times much of these worms up...
haha!!enough for my frying...erm...tats all for now~~hehe!!seeya!!
Wish every1 good luck in getting the exam result....