Saturday, November 28, 2009

Bachelor Degree, PASS!!

Yeahz!!!!!! Jus got my result tis morning...although the result not as good as the previous semester, but still pass my bachelor degree!!!

The sad thing is tat, my GPA drop form 6 to 5.5....Tragedy!! However, the happy thing is tat, I really manage to 'Hiam Hiam' pass all my subject...God bless~Im really content with the result as my final semester subjects r really really too difficult...At least i pass it...right?? Actually, i did not pass 1 of my subject for the final...luckly im not in INTI anymore, if not it will consider fail....haha!! These r my result:

Consumer Behaviour: (5) 70%

Strategic Marketing: (6) 75%

International Econommics: (5) 71%

Comtemp Application of Economics Theory: (4) 51%

Can u imagine??!! i got 51% over 100%!!! I only need 19/50 in final to pass tis subject...and i got 20/50!!! Wat the~~Dangerous border leh!! Think also scare...I still love my previous semester's results...No matter how, I COMPLETED my Bachelor!!!!!

Put aside those job hunting or master hunting problems....Now im only thinking about my convocation...hehe!! So excited!! and my parents and sisters r coming in 11 days time... Do u noe how to spell happy?? H.A.P.P.Y!! haha....
Now, lets see the colour of my hood...Its blue!! although the blue not really nice, But i still can Graduate!!!hahaha...It will cost AUD60 to hire the whole set of gown...Got enough money to study, and still hav to got enough money to

And tis...i wish to buy 1 of tis...i think its for the the parchment...But new a '09' on it an with different colours for different faculty...hehe!!cute right??

Lastly, Tis is the Faculty of Business graduate Bear from Miss Huey Ling...The moment i saw it, the first thing in my mind was "So expensive!!!"...haha!!And she actually bought 3!! 1 for me, 1 for Ment and 1 for Computer...U can c the blue hood the bear wearing..its the same as my gown...look a bit like Harry Potter..haha!!

Tats all for today...gonna go for lunch now...wohoo~~

Thursday, November 12, 2009






之前考试期待快点考完。。。现在期待我家人快点来参加我的毕业典礼。。。可能等他们回去,我又会期待快点回马来西亚。。。这两天考完试,我又突然想起我爱吃的东西。。。之前两个月,好像忙得忘了那些好吃的。。。现在头脑一松,他们又在我的脑子里转。。。痛苦!!真的好想回去吃。。。我想,那时和Sakai太得空写下的食物list,我应该再list出来,准备回去吃完!!!比如说,Laksa, 牛肉面,哦阿面线,果条仔,白色云吞面,虾面,面粉馃,炒果条,roti telur,teh tarik, milo ice, A Po 肉骨茶,慧玲家面线, 等等等等。。。。

啊啊!!!!想到就好想一口气吃完这些东西。。。可是没办法,还有两个月才可以吃到。。。快疯了。。。整整九个月没吃到像样的东西。。。我看这两个月,还是要靠Nudo's的虾面还有Laksa Hut的laksa过活。。。Nudo's的虾面是最可以接受的。。Laksa hut,如果开在JB, 两天就倒咯~态度又不是很好。。。咳~~好饿哦!!!
